Nonsuch Primary School

Welcome to our website

Wood Leasow, Woodgate Valley,
Birmingham B32 3SE


Please check out the winning posters on our attendance page. Well done to everyone!

Welcome to Year 2 with Miss Vincent and Miss Wenlock!


Throughout the year, the children will explore the skills they need to succeed in all lessons. During this time, we will work hard to improve our skills in reading, writing, maths and SPaG, as well as explore some exciting topics in our wider curriculum lessons!

We invest time into encouraging spoken language as this helps the children with their learning, so throughout the year, we will be encouraging children to practice this in lessons, assemblies and in the key stage Nativity.


Children will receive a paper copy of their spellings to take home and practice every Friday. These spellings should be practised at home, ready for their test the following Friday. It is important that these spellings are practised at home so that the children know how to spell, read and say the words fluently to apply them to their work.

Reading various books is very important, and in Year 2 we prioritise reading. Children have a set book stage that they will read to support their fluency and a book in which they can read for pleasure. Once your child has read at home, please sign and date their reading record and make comments where possible so that the Year 2 staff can see where they are up to with their reading and when they will need their books changed. For every 2 times that your child reads at home every week, they will receive a ticket for the prize raffle. At the end of the term, Miss Vincent and Miss Wenlock will pick tickets out of the raffle box and those children will get to choose a special prize!

At Nonsuch, we are big fans of maths too! Children will complete a set of number bond questions and their 99 clubs to support their arithmetic fluency in class. Once marked, children will be able to bring their sheets home to practice ready for the following week. We are also lucky enough to access Times Table Rockstars at Nonsuch Primary school, which supports the learning of times tables. We that children access Times Table Rockstars for at least 10 minutes daily to help embed their knowledge of times tables.

P.E is on a Monday and a Friday. Please ensure that your child comes into school in the correct PE kit on those days. For more information regarding our PE kit policy, please check our school website under our policies section, or discuss with a member of the Year 2 team.

Miss Vincent and Miss Wenlock are looking forward to our Year 2 learning journey this year, and we hope you are too!

Look out for our activities on Twitter, as we regularly update this. 


Year 2 Homework

Please click on the link below for information about the homework that Year 2 will be given each week.