Nonsuch Primary School

Welcome to our website

Wood Leasow, Woodgate Valley,
Birmingham B32 3SE


Please check out the winning posters on our attendance page. Well done to everyone!

Consultation for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Curriculum



Parental Consultation 

Part one of the consultation 

  • A questionnaire was sent to parents/carers on Friday 20th November for their views (the deadline for completing was Friday 27th November)
  • An invite was sent on Friday 20th November to parents to invite them to become part of a working party to inform and steer the curriculum (deadline for responding to this was Friday 27th November)


Part two of the consultation 

  • The draft policy and draft overview has been sent to parents for consulation. Deadline for feedback is Tuesday 15th December.
  • Parents are invited to a zoom meeting on Friday 15th December to share their views on the proposed curriculum.


Click on the links below for the draft poicy and overview

RSE Policy (Draft).pdf

Nonsuch Primary School RHE Overview (draft).pdf




Staff Consultation 

This took place on Monday 30th November 2020. Staff were consulted on the proposed policy, overview of the curriculum and resources that will be used. 


Governor Consultation 

This will take place on Wednesday 16th December 



Children's Consultation 

Children will be completing a questionnaire on Friday 11th December 2020 to gain their views on what they think should be taught.