Nonsuch Primary School

Welcome to our website

Wood Leasow, Woodgate Valley,
Birmingham B32 3SE


Please check out the winning posters on our attendance page. Well done to everyone!


Welcome to Year 1 with Miss Lay and Miss Pilling


Welcome to Year One. Miss Lay and Miss Pilling are looking forward to getting to know the children and help them as their learning journey continues.


As Year One teachers, our main priority is to support the transition to more formal learning by helping children to adapt to their new environment, routines and new teachers. We will also look to encourage values into the children to prepare them for the future; including being independent, respectful, ready to learn and responsible.


Year One is a very important year to embed phonic knowledge and develop fluency in reading through group reading and reading for pleasure. We will build on previous knowledge of phonics from the foundation stage then begin to introduce alternative spelling choices for Phase 5. Phonics is very important for early readers and writers as it enables them to succeed in all subjects. We will be working hard to prepare them for phonics screening in June.


At Nonsuch we believe that reading a variety of books is very important to all children. Therefore, each child is given a copy of the book, that they read in group reading sessions, to practise reading independently at home. In addition to this, they also have the opportunity to chose a reading for pleasure book from our school library. To promote a love of reading we will be visiting the school library, each Wednesday, so that children can enjoy the time to explore many books with their peers.


In our writing lessons, we will be creating our own stories based on what we have read as a class as well as working on our handwriting, phonics, spelling, punctuation, and grammar throughout the year. It is so important now that we are in Year One to use capital letters, full stops, and finger spaces correctly.


The children’s mathematics will be developed using a range of objects, pictures, and resources. The children will be encouraged to be more independent with their learning to develop their resilience when things get tricky. We will also be working hard on our number formation, recognition and understanding; using this to begin to work on the four operations of: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.


Each new term begins with a Stunning Starter, this is something to engage children and stimulate discussions. As the term develops children will continue to build on the knowledge and key vocabulary. A Fabulous Finish concludes the term by giving children the opportunity to showcase their hard work.


PE is on Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child comes into school in their PE kits on these days. If possible, please avoid wearing earrings on these days.


Look out for our exciting activities on Twitter as we regularly update this. 



Year 1 Homework
Please click on the link below for information about the homework that Year 1 will be given each week.