Nonsuch Primary School

Welcome to our website

Wood Leasow, Woodgate Valley,
Birmingham B32 3SE


Please check out the winning posters on our attendance page. Well done to everyone!

Welcome to Year 5 with Mr Oliver and Mrs Anderton!

Year 5 is very important as we prepare ourselves ready for Year 6. The children will hold many responsibilities, such as Play Leaders, School Council, Eco Warriors and Commonwealth Council.

This year, we are working tremendously hard to embed and improve our knowledge in lessons. As well as this, we will be learning about fantastic units in our wider curriculum, such as The Tudors and The Ancient Maya.

During Year 5, we have opportunities to experience many exciting trips while performing in whole school assemblies in front of the school and adults; this includes the Christmas Carol Concert. 


We believe that to be successful; children must be able to read fluently. We have a Class Read, which we read every half term. Every child has already been given a reading book; please can this be in school every day, so children are reading both in school and at home. Children will have a library book they can freely read too. We encourage children to read to become more fluent readers, which helps in every lesson. 


Children have the opportunity to use Timetable Rock stars; each child has a specific login where they can build up points to create their avatars. .......................... Mrs Anderton monitor the progress children make. Timetables are extremely important as children progress throughout each year group. 


PE is on Thursday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes into school in their PE kits on these days.


Look out for our activities on Twitter, as we regularly update this. 


Year 5 Homework

Please tick on the link below to view information about the homework that will be set for Year 5 each week.


Year 5 Homework Poster